General FAQs

Does Truffle have any fees?

Generative Drops, Limited, & Open Editions: We charge a 3% fee on primary sales (initial mint from a generative drop, limited or open edition). This fee is applied to the total value of the transaction and is paid by the seller and automatically taken out of each mint transaction. Minters pay a fee of 0.01 SOL per mint, which is applicable to all SOL-based mints once a drop is live, including free mints. For other SPL-based mints (BONK, MPLX, etc), including free mints, minters pay a fee of 0.01 SOL per mint.

Pre-Mints & Airdrops: Pre-Mints and Airdrops are subject to a 0.001 SOL per NFT fee, paid by the user setting up the drop. Airdrops are subject to an additional fixed fee of 1 SOL paid by the user who issues the airdrop. NOTE THE FEES LISTED ABOVE DO NOT INCLUDE SOLANA RENT EXPENSE OR ANY OTHER PROTOCOL-RELATED FEES (SEE BELOW).

On-Chain Costs: Minters will also be charged Metaplex fees of ~0.004 SOL for each Core NFT or ~0.022 SOL for each Legacy NFT. Choose Core when creating your collection for minimum mint fees to your collectors. This fee is paid directly to Metaplex and does not go to Truffle.

These updated fees apply for anything created on the platform after 2nd October 2024

Do I need to apply to launch my NFT Collection on Truffle?

Truffle is completely self-service so you do not need to reach out to us in order to create and launch your NFT collection on our platform. Simply sign up/sign in, click Create, and go through the flow to set up your drop!

What file types are supported for NFT assets?

Truffle supports JPG, PNG, GIF, and SVG file types for images, MP4s for videos, and GLB files for 3D files. ( For video and 3D NFTs please contact us via Discord if you'd like to use this feature.)

For Metadata we support standard json files with separate files for each NFT. You can use our Metadata Generator utility to create these files.

Why isn't my collection visible on the homepage feed?

We manually review all newly created mints periodically before they are visible on site. Feel free to send a ticket on Discord to prioritize your mint page being reviewed.

The NFT hasn't appeared in my wallet after minting?

There could be a couple of reasons for this, if the NFT you are minting is Core it might be that your Wallet provider does not support showing the NFT in their UI. Don't worry the NFT will be there, we'd recommending using one of the Wallets that currently support Core, you can find more details here.

There is a chance the NFT is being shown as spam, follow this guide for help.

How come Solscan shows no holders or wrong information for my NFT collection?

Solscan does not read Metaplex Core NFT information correctly and in some cases can report completely incorrect details. We suggest using solana.fm or core.metaplex.com to verify NFT details. Additionally, if you are looking to pull a holder list for your collection you can use our free Collector Snapshot utility to do this easily.

Random Mint FAQs

Can I increase the price mid mint?

Yes you can update the price of your collection mid mint. Just to note, users may receive an error or the wrong price if they loaded the page before the price change. In cases like this we recommend that you tell the user to refresh the page.

How much does it cost to create a Random Mint?

The cost to create a generative drop is mainly based on Arweave storage costs and Candy Machine rent which is based on the size of the collection and if hidden reveal is enabled or not.

To give a rough idea a 1000 piece generative drop will have Candy Machine rent of around 0.05 SOL and even lower with hidden reveal enabled. This Candy Machine rent is refundable once a drop is deleted.

Arweave storage costs are variable based on current storage fees on Arweave and total size of assets in the collection.

Can I update my allowlist file while a mint is live?

Technically you can edit your allowlist files at any time, including before and while a drop is live. That said, we do not recommend making changes during a live mint phase as it can cause issues to users who are trying to mint during the change. We recommend not making any changes to an allowlist phase in the 3 hours leading up to the phase going live.

Alternatively, you may consider creating a second allowlist phase for additional wallets to minimize risk of issues with your initial allowlist.

Why don't I see mint proceeds in my treasury wallet?

In general there is about a 5 minute delay before you receive your funds. Additionally, enabling freeze secondary sales in your drop will put your mint proceeds in escrow until you thaw the NFTs.

Is it possible to distribute NFTs to presale purchasers before a drop is launched?

The two options for sending NFTs to presale purchasers prior to launch are:

  1. Leverage our Airdrop utility before the drop is created to distribute the presale subset of NFTs in your collection to presale wallets. Note that these will act as separate drops so your mint's total reported supply will be reduced by the presale quantity.

  2. While creating your normal mint drop, perform a Pre-Mint to mint the presale NFTs to your own wallet. Once the drop goes live it will show the amount of NFTs that you preminted from the total supply. Note that you will need to either manually distribute the presale NFTs to presale collectors or use a third party utility to do so.

Editions FAQs

How do I make a royalty enforced Edition NFT?

Create your Edition NFT using Core to ensure royalty is enforced. Legacy Edition NFTs on Truffle do not support royalty enforcement.

Can I make a mint page for a 1/1?

Yes, you can create a Core Edition drop for your One of One that will allow you to create a mint page. For Legacy Editions we do not support mint pages for One of Ones

Can I update the amount of Limited Editions?

No, once a Limited Edition has been created you cannot update the amount of prints that NFT will have in Truffle. Similarly, you cannot change from an Open Edition to a Limited Edition.

How can I Airdrop an Edition to a collector?

The Airdrop tool in Truffle does not support sending a single NFT to a collector. If you'd like to send an Edition or NFT to a collector consider using tools like Foxy Send.

Can an Edition mint have an allowlist?

Gating a mint with an allowlist is only supported within Core Edition drops.

Why are there 2 NFTs that look the same in my wallet?

When you create an Edition you also need to create a Collection NFT, if you create the Collection NFT with the same details as the editions then you will see 2 NFTs that look the same in your wallet, but they are different.

Do not delete the collection NFT from your wallet, this can cause issues down the line if you create a mint page for your NFT, or use other Truffle features.

I haven't received my Legacy Edition Funds?

The funds from Legacy Edition sales do not automatically get sent to your wallet, they are held in escrow till the end of the sale. In order to end your sale and to get the funds follow this guide.

This does not affect Core Editions as you will receive the funds within 5 minutes of the mint.

Airdrops FAQs

Can I airdrop NFTs from an existing mint?

No, our Airdrop utility only supports airdropping new NFTs created in the Airdrop flow. You cannot use our utility to airdrop NFTs from an existing mint.

Consider leveraging an allowlist phase on your mint to allow specific users to mint free NFTs rather than airdropping them directly. Alternatively, you can choose to mint the NFTs to your own wallet then manually distribute or use a 3P utility to send them to the desired addresses.

Can I choose which wallets receive which NFTs?

No, the Airdrop functions as a normal Candy Machine which means that the distribution is completely random. The only control you have is the quantity to send to each wallet.

Mint Page FAQs

How to appear on the homepage?

Currently mint pages need to be reviewed and approved to be shown on the homepage. You can request your mint page to be prioritized for review by reaching out to us on Discord and sending a ticket.

Can I use my own Domain?

Truffle does not offer this functionality for self service drops but if you create and host your own landing page you can embed the mint there using a blink (only compatible with public phases right now)

Utilities FAQs

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