What is Update Authority
Module Overview
This module provides an overview around the Update Authority. How it currently works on Solana and why it's important.
Introducing: The Update Authority
NFT's on Solana are different in comparison to EVM based chains. There are some complicated reasons for this due to the Solana blockchain architecture, but to keep things simple, and NFT is just an SPL-Token that uses a program called Token Metadata. This program allows you to attach metadata to the SPL-Token, which is how we can link the token to assets such as files, images, and attributes. You can read more about this on the official Metaplex Docs.
When an NFT is minted (created) and the NFT being minted is set as mutable, the only wallet that can update that token, is the wallet which holds the update authority. If the NFT is set as immutable, no wallet can every change it.
How Creator Studio Uses Update Authority
Creator Studio allows creators to mint both immutable and mutable NFT's within generative drops, editions, or 1/1s. If a creator chooses to mint as a mutable NFT, the creator will be transferred back UA at the end of the operation.
By default, the UA is set to the candy machine creator. Within Creator Studio, the UA will be passed back to the Creator's wallet at the end of the operation.
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