Create Mint Page

Step One - Create Page

You can set up a Mint Page for either an Edition or a Generative Drop, and the steps to reach it vary slightly. Below we will explore how to achieve this for both.

Legacy Editions

You can start the creation of a mint page through several methods:

  • From the NFTs Page: Navigate to NFTs page and click on either the "Limited Editions" or "Open Editions" tabs. In the action menu of the NFT, you will find options to either "Create Mint Page" or "Edit Mint Page".

  • After creating an Edition: When you reach the last step of crafting an Edition, a success modal will present you with the choice to directly establish a Mint Page."

Once you have gotten to a screen as shown above you will be prompted to "Get Started" and if this is your first Edition mint page you will also need to sign a transaction to create a Store to sell your Edition.

In order to start and end the sale of your Edition, please refer to this page in our documentation.

Random Drop & Core Editions

Similar to the Legacy Edition, there is a couple of ways you can create a mint page for a Random drop / Core Edition:

  • From the Drops Page: When on the Drops page, click on the action menu of a live mint and click "Edit Mint Page".

  • After creating a Random Drop / Core Edition: When you reach the last step of crafting a Drop, a success modal will present you with the choice to directly establish a Mint Page."

Step Two - Populate Details

Within the Mint Page, there are several customization options available for both Generative Drops and Editions, which you can modify whenever you wish. For an in-depth look at these options, refer to the Customizing a Mint Page section.

For those with an Edition Mint Page, initiating the sale is a prerequisite before publishing. For comprehensive guidance on this, please check out this page in our documentation.

Step Three - Publish

Just hit the "Publish" button located at the bottom right. After a brief moment, your mint page will be live and visible to everyone!

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