Update NFT

The Update NFT feature allows you to update any NFT that you have the update authority over and can be accessed either by the action menu on an NFT or via the utilities page after you have entered an address.

Step One - Accessing the tool

This feature can be accessed in a couple of different ways depending if you hold the NFT in your wallet or not.

Via the NFTs Page

Click on the action menu on any of the NFTs and you will be able to see the option to "Edit NFT".

Via the Utilities Page

Goto the Utilities page and click on "Update NFT". A modal will appear where you can enter the address of the NFT you wish to update.

Step Two - Update NFT

From here you will be able to update parts of the NFT including:

  • Image

  • Name

  • Description

  • External Url

  • Traits

  • Royalties ( If it's a Legacy NFT)

Once you have made your changes you will be able to click update and we will upload any image / metadata changes to Arweave and update the NFT itself.

Last updated