Collector Snapshot
The Collector Snapshot tool allows you to view and download the current list of collectors for any collection. You can export this list of addresses in either CSV or JSON format.
Step One: Accessing the Tool
You can access Collector Snapshots from the action menu on a collection NFT or via the Utilities page after entering a collection NFT’s address.
Via the Collections Page:
Click on the action menu of any collection NFT.
Select "Collector Snapshot" to navigate to that collection's Collector Snapshot.
Via the Utilities Page:
Click the "Collector Snapshot" button.
A modal will appear where you can enter the address of the collection you want to view.
Step Two: Downloading the List
On the Collector Snapshot page, you will see a list of collector addresses along with the number of NFTs they own. You can download this list in either CSV or JSON format using the buttons located at the bottom right corner of the page.
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