🖼️Secondary Market Verification

Congratulations you've created a collection on Truffle! Now you want to get your collection setup and verified on the secondary marketplaces like MagicEden and Truffle, will this is how you do it. However, before you start there is a few details you will need to get from Truffle.

Finding your Collection NFT

First we will need to get the address / public-key of the Collection NFT sometimes referred to as the MCC (Metaplex Certified Collection) or Verified Collection. You can get this address in Truffle by going to the NFTs page followed by the Collection NFTs tab. Here you will see all the Collection NFTs you have created. You'll then need to click the address below your collection name, and the address will be copied. Save this address for later!

Generating your Hashlist

If your collection has started to mint we will need to grab the hashlist also known as the mint list, which is simply a list of all the NFTs as part of your collection. We can grab this list by visiting https://sol-tools.tonyboyle.io/nft-tools/hashlist and entering the Collection NFT Address we got from the previous step. This can take a few minutes to generate and you want to download it as a .json you'll need to keep this safe too for the next steps.


Magic Eden is one of the secondary marketplaces where you'd want your NFTs to be traded. They have their own process for Verification which we do not control, but is documented below. If you have any issues with getting verified with MagicEden please contact them on discord.

Step One - Sign up

Go to https://creators.magiceden.io and sign up with your email, this will be the email address you will use to manage all of your collections.

Step Two - Create Collection

You'll then be greeted by dashboard where you'll need to click on Create new Collection which will direct you the Introduction step in the process. You'll need to select the following options:

  • Solana for the blockchain the collection is on

  • Select the correct licence use for the artwork

  • Toggle yes for the collection using Metaplex Certified Collection where you will need to provide the Collection NFT address we had fetched from a previous step.

When you've passed through the Collection NFT address a section like the one above should appear with all the details of the Collection NFT, please make sure this is correct before continuing.

Step Three - Collection Info

This is where you can customise the URL of your collection as well as the Collection Name that will appear inside Magic Eden.

Step Four - Listing Details

This is where you can customise some of the details about the Collection including the description, image, categories, links and socials that appears within MagicEden. You'll also need to link the Collection to a Twitter account.

Step Five - NFT Mint Details

Depending on if your collection has minted out or if you haven't started the mint yet will depend on which details you will need to provide.

Before collection has minted

You'll need to select the Review option, followed by the number of NFTs that are part of the collection and if you know when the mint will start you can enter the expected mint date. When you enter all the details you'll need to click Next .

Collection has minted out

If the collection has minted out you would need to supply the Total Supply and the Hashlist we generated from a previous step. To copy the hashlist you'll need to open the .json file in any text editor and copy the contents. You'll then need to click Submit to move to the next step,

Step Six - Review & Submit

With the final step you will be greeted with all the details about the collection that will appear on MagicEden. Double check all the details are correct and if you want to provide some description about the collection you can do before submitting the collection to be reviewed.

You'll now be able to track the status of the collection through the dashboard by the tab the collection falls under.


Tensor is one of the secondary marketplaces where you'd want your NFTs to be traded. They have their own process for Verification which we do not control, but is documented below. If you have any issues with getting verified with Tensor please contact them on discord.

Step One - Sign up

Go to https://create.tensor.trade/ and sign up with your email, this will be the email address you will use to manage all of your collections.

Step Two - Create Collection

You'll then be greeted by dashboard where you'll need to click on New Collection which will direct you the Introduction step in the process. Here is where you'll need to enter the Collection NFT address and then claim the collection.

Step Three - Identify Collection

On this step you'll need to select the following options:

Is your collection Compressed?

  • Select Legacy Collection

How will your identify your collection?

  • Select Metaplex Certified Collection

  • Leave additional checkboxes blank

Certified Collection Address

  • Insert your collection address

When you've passed through the Collection NFT address a section like the one above should appear with all the details of the Collection NFT, please make sure this is correct before continuing.

Step Four - Collection Details

Here you can fill out the additional information about your collection that will be displayed on Tensor including the name, url slug, description, twitter profile ( which is required ) and social URLs.

Step Five - Verify Ownership

Verify the ownership of the collection by connecting the wallet you used on Truffle and then sign the message.

Step Six - Submit for Review

Finally you'll have to submit the application to Tensor for a review.

Last updated