Random Mint Overview

A Random Mint, previously referred to as a generative drop, consists of a collection of NFTs which are minted in a random order. This collection could be a series of algorithmically generated NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) featuring randomly selected traits or a collection of more unique 1/1 art. Traits assigned can vary in rarity, making some digital assets more scarceโ€”and potentially more valuableโ€”than others.

Within Truffle, we offer extensive support for launching and minting your own Random Mint using Metaplex's CandyMachine program. We also support various options to enhance your minting experience, allowing you to tailor the process to align with your unique vision and brand.

Managing a Random Mint

To manage both your Random Mints and Airdrops, head to the "Drops" section within the platform. This centralized area allows you to oversee both draft and live Random Mints, offering different sets of actions depending on the current status of your drop.

For Live Random Mints:

When your Random Drop is live, you'll have access to the following options in the action menu:

  • Edit Mint Page: Modify the content and layout of your minting page in real-time.

  • Edit Drop: Make changes to phases of a drop.

  • View Drop: See the details of your drop in our explorer.

  • Reveal Art: This is only available if hidden reveal is enabled, but it will reveal the artwork for all minted NFTs in the collection.

  • Thaw NFTs: This is only available if Freeze is enabled and it will unlock any frozen NFTs in the collection and release the escrowed funds.

  • Collect Funds: This is only available if there was an issue with the Thaw and the funds were not released.

  • Delete and Refund Candy Machine: A the end of your drop this allows you to claim back part of the SOL used to setup the drop. For more details click here.

For Draft Random Mints:

If your Generative Drop is still in the draft phase, the action menu will provide a more limited set of options:

  • Edit Drop: Modify the draft version of your drop.

  • Remove Draft: Delete the draft entirely if you choose to discontinue the project.

Random Mint Guides

There are many features you can take advantage of with a random mint which the following guides can help you navigate.

Last updated